Sunday, February 26, 2012

Health - Physical Fitness

PowerPoint Note on Fitness Components

February 21 - 24 Volleyball

Learning goals for the Unit:

How to serve overhand - spin serve and float serve

How to spike a volleyball, including approach and jump

General scoring, serving and net violations

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 13 to 17 Indoor Games

We are in the small gym this week. You can use the small gym change room.

Please remind your parents to sign up for text or email reminders.
(281) 978-4812
with @grade10pe in the body of the message.

Email updates
send an email to the address below and leave the subject and body blank.

Monday - Warm Up - Rock Paper Scissors Championship and Olympics
Indoor Game - New Zealand Cricket

Tuesday - Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up
Chain Tag Partners and Chain Tag (No Split)
Indoor Game - Indoor Speedball

Wednesday - No Gym due to volleyball - we are in the fitness room
Warm Up - 5 minutes of skipping, rowing, hula hooping
Fitness Challenge - 5 minutes of rowing - 1 point per calorie burned
5 minutes of skipping/burpees - 1 pt per double under or burpee

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Science of Steroids

1. What are steroids
2. What are the risks of using steroids?
3. What is the link between steroid use and depression?

Watched the NG documentary "Science of Steroids" and completed questions.

Unit Test tomorrow and Fitness Assignment Due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Health Unit - Fitness & Body Image

Monday Feb. 28th

Textbook Scavenger Hunt
What is fitness PowerPoint
Fitness Test Results and Standards
Passed Out Fitness Assignment - Due Friday March 4th

Tuesday March 1st

Textbook definitons pages 8 - 11 health and skill fitness components
Fitness Components Worksheet - importance to various sports
Body Image & Media PowerPoint Note/Discussion

Wednesday March 2nd

Body Image & Media Wrap Up
Shredded Video and discussion of two questions
SMART Goal Setting and Work Time to complete part 2 of Fitness Assignment (DUE FRIDAY)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Warm Up - 5 minutes jogging
- group stretch
- Man the Ship

- 3 steps and 3 seconds
- shoot on either net
- offence must keep possession or defending team inbounds from any side/end line
- shot after 3 passes
- after a score, inbounds is from baseline of net where ball was thrown for the score
- must clear center before shooting on same net as previous goal

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

European Handball

Warm Up - Circle Tag
Stretch - Small Groups

European Handball
- 3 steps and 3 seconds (after stopping)
-defence can not go into crease
* variation 2 point goal outside 3 point line


Warm Up - 5 Minutes Partner Jog/Stretch
- Octopus

Indoor Speedball - soccer rules when ball on the ground - soccer goal worth 1 point
- european handball if ball is caught off of a leg
- 2 point goal if ball is thrown into Bball Hoop from outside the key
- can rebound in key and score soccer goal but not a 2 point hoop

Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up Today carioca, butt whackers, high knees, shuffle shuffle stretch, frankensteins, frankenstein skips, inch worms

Rubber Chicken Tag

New Zealand Cricket